has been a whirlwind of a year. God never gives you more than you can
handle, but he sure did try me this year. This year started off rough
but has ended better than I could imagine! It was ridiculously big, no
wonder I'm so tired! Ha.
So, here's to my first Year In Review post, or a rather large photo dump. Either way, enjoy 2015 through my eyes! :)
We welcomed in 2015 with an Ice Storm, went to the Sandhills Rodeo, Dustee turned 10, and started the potty training business!
We spent a few days in San Antonio and went to Sea World
(among other things), went to wedding #1 of the year in Austin for
Tate's cousin Lance, and I got into my very first car accident, thank
God it wasn't major and we were okay!
We had Easter in Odessa and found out after 8 months of south Texas, we were moving back west!
Although Brylee and I had to live 7 hours away from anybody for over a month, this was probably the best thing that happened this year! South Texas was an experience, but one that I'm glad is over.
Although Brylee and I had to live 7 hours away from anybody for over a month, this was probably the best thing that happened this year! South Texas was an experience, but one that I'm glad is over.
celebrated wedding #2 in Odessa for Tate's cousin Ross, my mom and
sister made a surprise visit to help pack me up and bring me home, got
stuck in a nasty storm in the middle of nowhere coming back, and my
sweet cousin Brittni graduated high school.
spent our time between Odessa and San Angelo in hotels, had many 7 on 7
tournaments, celebrated Tate's 26th birthday, and went to McAllen one
last time to load up our house and move it to Ballinger.
had a baby shower/July 4th party in Abilene for sweet Westen, who was
born a few days later (a few weeks before his due date!), took my
grandparents fishing, FINALLY (after 4 fails) put an offer on a house
and was accepted just to have the inspector fall through the roof
(sigh), started the new football season with the Bearcats, and
celebrated a gender reveal for Skyler and Rachel. It's a girl!!

We had our first scrimmage, finally got to move into our new house, Tate and Brylee started school, and I started work!
spent Labor Day weekend at the lake, Dustee had surgery that thankfully
wasn't as bad as we all thought it would be, we closed on our house,
celebrated my 26th birthday, took in all things football, and Brylee got
her first haircut.
started my Christmas shopping, Layla turned 4, we went to the State
Fair of Texas, had our first family pictures made, experienced our first
small town Homecoming, started using Rodan + Fields, and had a black
cat surprise for Halloween.
season started, I interviewed for a job I really wanted and didn't get,
made it to the playoffs, ended a wonderful first football season in
Fredericksburg, went home for Thanksgiving, and painted our wood
paneling (pictures to come).
for Christmas, visited Santa, Snowbelle made her appearance, went to
the Christmas parade, wore festive sweaters, celebrated Brylee turning
3, had a very merry Christmas, played in the snow and celebrated NYE in
San Antonio(more to come)!
I'm coming for you! I cannot wait to see what it brings. Here's to
hoping for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! Cheers!