Hi! I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. I took a short little blogging break Thursday and Friday but I'm back now! After this week I'm not real sure how many times I'll post each week because I start back to school tomorrow so I'll have to find a 'new normal' schedule. But enough of that, lets recap my weekend!
B and I had our dentist appointments (from my February goals!). It had been raining all week here off and on so we dressed in our rainboots and headed to Abilene.
I dropped Brylee off with my cousin (hi Amber!) while I went to mine. I have never in my life had a cavity, until now. Not only do I have 1, I have 3! What?! Why!? I'm the person that brushes their teeth 2 sometimes 3 times a day, floss each night and doesn't eat/drink a lot of sugary stuff! Why!?! From what she told me two of them were in hard to reach places but they are and reversible (whew!) with a prescription toothpaste. Awesome. The other on the other hand needs to be filled. The culprit for these cavities? Most likely coffee! She said it's very acidic and if it's sipped it works on your teeth longer. She suggested I drink it quickly and only once a day. Yeah, okay, probably not going to happen. Along with that she also recommended I have all 4 wisdom teeth taken out. I have enough room for them and they're all in but she said it's very hard to reach the back of my mouth in order to clean those teeth properly. So, that brings the dilemma of having two taken out at a time while numbing my mouth or have an oral surgeon take all four out at a time.
After dropping off the prescription for my toothpaste, I picked B up and we had lunch. Yes, fresh clean teeth and we choose to have burgers for lunch. I had a wonderful lunch with my cousins and shared some fries with sweet Westen, although he really just wanted my burger!

I was super nervous about B's appointment and so was she! I've prepped her all week for this and Wednesday night she curled up in my lap and told me she was scared to have somebody mess with her teeth. I nearly canceled her appointment but I knew we needed to get it over with. Y'all, she did so good! I went to a pediatric dentist for her and I think that was the best thing! It was so kid friendly and inviting that she went right in, found a friend and played while I filled out paperwork. When they called her name she went with no fight. They gave us a tour of the office and sat her down for x-rays. I cannot get over how tiny she looks in that chair!
She took her x-rays like a champ and was moved over to the next room. They had 4 chairs per room and had a TV on the ceiling so they could watch that. B was the only one in there at the time so they changed it to the Little Mermaid, gave her some sunglasses (for the light) and went to cleaning. I was so proud of how well she did. There were a few times she would move because she was afraid of sliding out of the chair but other than that she did sooooo good! Zero cavities for this girl! We saw the x-rays of her teeth and seeing that her adult teeth are already there just hanging out (ha) made me emotional! Tate thought I was crazy but to me that just means that she is growing up!
Tate had to cancel practice due to weather so he met us for dinner. We went to Lowe's after to pick out paint color for the rest of the house (more on this later).
Before we headed home I had to stop by CVS and pick up my $20 toothpaste. It better work a miracle!
Friday we did nothing! I made orange chicken and we stayed in all night thanks to the rainy weather.
Saturday morning we went to breakfast then Tate went to go hunting. B and I got ready and headed for San Angelo to meet my dad at the lake. Every spring break my dad and step mom spend a few days at the lake - they've done this ever since I was still in high school but now we all have families of our own so it's just that much better! My dad got her her first softball glove and ball. She is super confused and I'm no help when it comes to softball. She keeps throwing the ball with the glove - it's super cute! That's a job for Tate.
I got the kids this little bowling set. We thought it would be super fun for them until I had to reset the pins each time. Ha!
And then we went for a boat ride, a chilly one I might add. It may have been warm but it was cool on the water.
Brylee stayed the night there so I went grocery shopping before going back home. TV all to myself again - yes, ma'am! This time it was Friends.
Sunday I was all thrown off by the time change. I got up and ready to go pick Brylee up but they all slept in so I went on a search for new denim shorts. No luck. :( I'm such a weird fit. I'm hoping to find some while we are in Dallas this weekend. I did find a few fun things at Target that I'll be sharing on Friday.
We ended the weekend with a walk to the high school and helped Tate drag the fields to get them ready for their game today. Tate got creative and hooked Layla's leash to Brylee's wagon. It all worked well until Layla drove Brylee right over a curb. We could not stop laughing! (picture taken from the video - a little blurry, sorry!)
I'll end this with this little video - on the way home yesterday B just randomly started saying the Pledge of Allegiance so I had her recite it for Tate when we got home from our walk. I had no clue she even knew it! So proud. :)
Linking up with Biana.
Orange chicken is on my list to make for dinner one night!