Happy March 1st, friends! I took a small blogging break yesterday to do some blog maintenance and finish getting registered for school. It was such a long day so I just decided to give myself a break. Then I woke up this morning feeling crumby and finally around lunchtime I started feeling better. It was a whole mix of nonsense: headache, nausea, sore throat - the works!
On another note, I had such a great weekend!! At the beginning of January I brought up the idea of doing something special for my mom's birthday to my sister thus giving us the idea for a surprise party. We decided to round up the sisters (my aunts - my mom is the middle of 5 girls!) and once they were on board we started brainstorming ideas. We ultimately decided on bowling - my mom and aunts were on a bowling league at one time and it's just a thing we all love, so why not?! We had the best time! We had talked to my step-dad and figured out exactly how to get her there. Funny sidenote: my mom sent all the girls a text asking to go bowling after church and they all had to make up excuses why they would be busy. :)

Okay, back to Friday! I took off Friday afternoon and told my mom (and y'all) that I was going to the softball tournament in Stephenville (also mentioned it in my Wednesday post)! She totally bought it (hi mom!). I was staying with Tate's parents so she would never even have a chance to see me in town before the party. Another funny sidenote: As I was talking to her and telling her I was almost to Stephenville my GPS was telling me to exit in Odessa but luckily she couldn't hear it. Whew! Ha! I waited until after I knew she was at home for the night to go to Target to get last minute things for Saturday. The Target in Odessa has gone through some major face-lifts so I'm glad Tate's mom offered to keep Brylee - I had plenty of time to just browse at the new things! I ended up buying Brylee some summer cloths, swimsuits and shoes....oops! :)
Saturday we got up and just messed around the house for a bit (can't risk being seen!) and since it was my mom's actual birthday I tried to figure out a way to call her but decided not to and just sent her a text telling her "Happy Birthday! Right in the middle of a game so I'll call you when it's over!". I didn't want Brylee to innocently give it away where we were, you know how kids are. Anyways, the party was at 2 so around 12:45 I ran through Chick Fil A to get B and I something to hold us over until bowling and headed to my sisters to help her with some last minute things. We loaded up and met everybody at the bowling alley, got set up and waited for my mom. She showed up about 10 minutes later and was totally surprised! She saw me and Brylee first and said "you liar!" haha! It was all in good fun though! My step-dad was about to get in trouble in the car also because he wasn't taking her where he said. Surprise parties are so much fun! I wish I had taken more pictures, but I guess that's what happens when you're having too much fun!

Two games and a few hours later we went out to dinner since my grandfather decided to surprise us all and come to the party too (he doesn't live in Odessa and only one person knew he was coming). We love La Bodega! We try to go there every time we're in Odessa. I had to send Tate a picture of the menu because it's one of his favorites.

After dinner we went out to my dads house for a bit. Brylee got up close and personal with the longhorns and fed the horses every carrot she found. :)

Sunday we got up early and met Tate's family for breakfast then I went by his brother's new house to check it out (but really just to love on baby Merritt). Kidding, kind of. :) Then it was back to home, sweet, home.

Linking up with Biana and Meghan!
Hope y'all had a fantastic weekend!
Okay, back to Friday! I took off Friday afternoon and told my mom (and y'all) that I was going to the softball tournament in Stephenville (also mentioned it in my Wednesday post)! She totally bought it (hi mom!). I was staying with Tate's parents so she would never even have a chance to see me in town before the party. Another funny sidenote: As I was talking to her and telling her I was almost to Stephenville my GPS was telling me to exit in Odessa but luckily she couldn't hear it. Whew! Ha! I waited until after I knew she was at home for the night to go to Target to get last minute things for Saturday. The Target in Odessa has gone through some major face-lifts so I'm glad Tate's mom offered to keep Brylee - I had plenty of time to just browse at the new things! I ended up buying Brylee some summer cloths, swimsuits and shoes....oops! :)
Saturday we got up and just messed around the house for a bit (can't risk being seen!) and since it was my mom's actual birthday I tried to figure out a way to call her but decided not to and just sent her a text telling her "Happy Birthday! Right in the middle of a game so I'll call you when it's over!". I didn't want Brylee to innocently give it away where we were, you know how kids are. Anyways, the party was at 2 so around 12:45 I ran through Chick Fil A to get B and I something to hold us over until bowling and headed to my sisters to help her with some last minute things. We loaded up and met everybody at the bowling alley, got set up and waited for my mom. She showed up about 10 minutes later and was totally surprised! She saw me and Brylee first and said "you liar!" haha! It was all in good fun though! My step-dad was about to get in trouble in the car also because he wasn't taking her where he said. Surprise parties are so much fun! I wish I had taken more pictures, but I guess that's what happens when you're having too much fun!
Two games and a few hours later we went out to dinner since my grandfather decided to surprise us all and come to the party too (he doesn't live in Odessa and only one person knew he was coming). We love La Bodega! We try to go there every time we're in Odessa. I had to send Tate a picture of the menu because it's one of his favorites.
After dinner we went out to my dads house for a bit. Brylee got up close and personal with the longhorns and fed the horses every carrot she found. :)
Sunday we got up early and met Tate's family for breakfast then I went by his brother's new house to check it out (but really just to love on baby Merritt). Kidding, kind of. :) Then it was back to home, sweet, home.
Linking up with Biana and Meghan!
Hope y'all had a fantastic weekend!
Hope you're feeling better girl - looks like you had a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston