Oh how I've missed my little blogging world! I haven't quite adjusted to my new schedule yet, but I'm trying. Time management is key here and there just isn't enough time in a day for what I need to do. The last time I checked in with y'all I confessed and lied - ha! I thought I'd catch you guys up with a Life Lately post with lots and lots of pictures and then we'll talk Easter later this week - we've been busy!
Softball is becoming a new normal around here. While I watch the games Brylee does things like steal my shades and run around trying to sneak into the dugout with Tate.
And sometimes she likes to unleash her future track star self. She wore herself out and mama did not get upset. ;)
I started back to school two weeks ago. I'm only taking one class but it's an online 5-week course with a lab. It's super stressful if I don't stay on top of it (reason #1 I've been slacking in the blog front!) I did my best to get ahead in class since we were headed for Dallas last weekend for a short spring break trip. But, I ended up taking my books with me and did some reading in the car.
We had Pappasitos once we got to Dallas. To say we love it is an understatement. Tate and I shared the combo fajitas and it came with shrimp stuffed with a jalepeno and cheese wrapped in bacon - omg it was so good!
That next morning (Friday) morning we got up and ready. The plan was to go to the Zoo but the forecast showed a 90% chance of thunderstorms all day so we opted for the Aquarium instead. Tate and I have been before and loved it but I guess a ton of people had the same plans and the place was jam-packed! We still had a good time but there were so. many. people! Sidenote: it never rained!
These two guys were hysterical! I started making this clicking noise and they went crazy making that same noise. Needless to say, it stirred up a crowd.
And of course the flamingos where B had to show us how they stand. She LOVES her "mingos".
After the Aquarium we walked a few blocks over for lunch. We decided not to 'plan' lunch and just find something within walking distance since we were downtown. Tate spotted a TGI Friday's but the wait was forever long so we walked across the street to a Cajun place. Our waitress was great but the timing and quality of the food were terrible! Can't say we didn't try something new, though. Tate and B did entertain us (and the tables surrounding) with B's new cheetah. I'm not sure which one loves it more.
A few weekends ago Tate went hunting in exchange for a trip to the outlets in Allen with no complaining, so that's where we headed next. This is the only time it "rained" - it was like a light mist that lasted less than 5 minutes. We did our shopping, he didn't complain, and we got some ice cream once B woke up from her stroller nap.
That night we went to the Magic Time Machine for dinner. If you ever go to the Dallas area and have kids, go! Even if you don't have kids, go! My Nana always took us when we were kids and we loved it! The servers dress in costume and each table is a different setting. It's so fun. We sat in a mushroom and our waitress was Poison Ivy, although Brylee kept calling her Ariel. One of the drinks on the kids menu is called a Magic Bubbly Potion and I remember always getting one when we were kids. Brylee loved hers.
And now they have adult ones too!
Saturday morning we got up, had brunch and headed home. We decided to go home Saturday so that we had plenty of time to recoop, grocery shop, catch up on laundry, etc on Sunday - best decision ever! Tate went to an arena football game with an old coach friend and B and I caught up on the Voice. She dances while they sing.
Sunday we went to San Angelo for lunch, attempted to see the Easter bunny, got some last minute Easter things at Target (and checked out their patio furniture) and ended our day trip at the grocery store. Tate dropped me off and went to Lowes while Brylee napped in the cart - made this shopping trip a breeze!
I have no idea how that's even comfortable. And just for grins, she's been known to do this before. :)
Monday night I thought I was going to be lost without the Bachelor, but hello DWTS! I totally forgot it started that night. Brylee gave me a quick fashion show and then we watched our dancers!

Tate had a game that we skipped because Tuesday I had to complete 2 tests and a lab! Why oh why did I decide it would be a good idea to take such a demanding class with such a busy schedule?? Oh yeah, because I need to finish!
I had Friday off so we left for Odessa for Easter and my nephew's birthday party - but that's another post for another day. :)
And that's life lately. A whole bunch of softball, studying, and a quick vacation.
And that's life lately. A whole bunch of softball, studying, and a quick vacation.
I'll be back tomorrow with What's Up Wednesday! :)