I woke up at 4:15 to the loudest clap of thunder I've ever heard in my entire life! The area we live in now always gets bad storms during the spring. I've never really been in a bad storm and, to be quite honest, I don't want to be! Not that anybody does, but I'm a fair weather kind of girl. I like warm and sunny days. Immediately after being woken up I went and grabbed my phone to make sure we weren't in any type of tornado warning/watch. Nope, no tornado, just severe thunderstorms capable of producing nickel size hail. Thankfully it just rained. Hard.
But because I was already awake and couldn't get myself to go back to sleep I finished one of the books I've read this month. It's a good one, y'all! I'll share that soon, but today is all about the books I've read during the 1st quarter (ha, thanks to being in finance I look at things as quarters)!
I made myself a goal to read 2 books a month and, while that didn't exactly happen, I've managed to read 5 so far. I now have a Goodreads account so if you do too, add me! :)
P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
Okay so I've seen the movie, multiple times, and I love it! I had no idea it was based on a book and I have no idea how I even have the book! I had a serious love/hate relationship with this one. I loved the book and I loved the movie but they were both very different. Sure, they have the same plot and most of the same characters but there are some things that just didn't happen (in either the book or movie). I loved how the movie ended. I hated how the book ended. I got very emotional at times and some times was very confused. I'm glad I read the book years after the move because I'm not sure how I would have felt about it then. Don't get me wrong, it's a good book, it's just hard to compare a movie and a book when they were so different! I believe I rated this 4 stars.
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
I had seen and heard many great things about this book so I finally picked it up. I read a couple pages and the whole 'Berlin Wall' reference really through me off but I kept on trucking (if you've read the book then you know what I'm talking about). Finally one day it all clicked and I could not put this book down! We were headed to Odessa for the weekend and I was so wrapped up in it that I was reading it to Tate. Both of us made guesses as to what was going to happen and he was right! I did leave with a ton of questions though, but all in all, a great book!
The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
Oh Nicholas Sparks.You definitely have the ability to pull my heartstrings and make me cry, laugh and get angry all in the same book/movie! I read a few pages here and there but never really had the time to sit and really get into it. One day at work our internet went down and I didn't have anything do to so I started reading. I finished it that very next day - I got myself up earlier just to finish it. And then Tate and I had to have a talk.
Friends, this book is soooo soooo good! I got so emotionally invested in this book. I cannot wait to see the movie and this will probably be one I'll read again. Loved it!
For the Right Reasons by Sean Lowe

Fun fact: Sean is the only reason I ever started watching the Bachelor. I did not watch Emily's season but I had a few friends that did and they were all talking about Sean and how he would be a great bachelor. I had to google him and thought I'd give the show a shot. It was definitely a great season to start with for sure! I wasn't really sure what to expect from the book because I felt like I already knew how things turned out from watching the show and reading Shay's blog. I was wrong. So wrong. I loved seeing things from Sean's point of view and how the book wasn't all about being the Bachelor. He shared information on his past and real struggles he went through all to help him on his, I can't believe I'm using this word, journey! This one would make a great coffee table book!
The Glam Guide by Fleur De Force
I discovered her on Youtube when we lived in McAllen and loved some of her makeup tutorials. When I saw she had a book coming out I knew I wanted it. I didn't love this book but I didn't hate it either. It's a great reference book as she gave great advice about makeup, hair, fashion and the likes but I wish she would have dug a little bit deeper into who she is... I'm nosy like that. The book itself is pretty so I can definitely see it sitting on the desk or coffee table.
And those are the books I've read so far in 2016! I love this little goal of mine because I have missed reading. Happy almost Friday!
I feel like I get emotionally invested in books too...I started a book this week that has such a great premise but the writing is just eh...so I want to finish it but I'm basically speed reading now! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about Little House on the Prairie that you felt about P.S. I Love You. The two were so different that I didn't even consider them to be connected in any way. I've never watched the movie P.S. I Love You but I did attempt to read the book and I just couldn't get into it.