I'm so excited April is finally here. I've said it before, but the beginning of spring is more of a fresh start to me than January 1. We have big plans for April and I'm so ready! I am keeping my April list a bit short because I didn't do so hot in March.
Before we get on to April, let's recap March.
1. Purge closets
- Yes, yes and yes! I did all 4 closets in our house and even did all the drawers too! I had a huge pile of clothes and shoes that were donated, trashed or sold. So Accomplished!
2. Clean and organize bathrooms and kitchen
- This still didn't happen! Boo!
3. Plant garden
- Yeah, this didn't happen either. We had such a busy month that this just got pushed aside. Maybe April a garden will come.
4. Bible study - I have found a few bible studies that I'm going to try thanks to Shay's blog. I remembered her posting some a long time ago so after some searching on her blog it was one of her Shades of Shay! Now I just need to decide which one to start with.
5. Take Brylee outside
- Yes, this happened. This happened a lot! We loved being outside.
6. Order canvas prints - Nope. Didn't do this either.
7. Go to bed earlier
- Big no right here too. I really tried to with this one but it just didn't happen.
8. Easter baskets and Easter dresses - Brylee had her dress and her Easter basket was awesome. I, however, just couldn't find one that I loved that wasn't too short so I just dragged one out of the closet from last year.
9. Walk/Run 2x a week - Nope. Enough said.
10. Whole 30 (kind of) - This was probably my biggest fail this month. With Easter and my nephews birthday I just couldn't stick to a good meal plan. One week we ate out every single night. This is priority this month.
I'm going to keep the following going each month:
1. Lose 2-3 lbs per month - I gained this month, once again.
2. Read 2-3 books per month -I read two this month! I'm hoping to get a review up soon.
3. Daily devotions - Yes, but just my Jesus Calling book. See #4 above for more on this.
4. Workout every day- I started off super strong on this one and by the end of the month I was lucky to have in one day.
I'm going to keep the following going each month:

Now, on to April.
1. Go to bed earlier - I know I said this last month, but I really mean it this month. I NEED to start going to bed earlier. My schedule is changing and in order for me to get things done I have got to get more sleep. I like waking up early so sleeping in and staying up late isn't the answer. Going to bed earlier it is!
2. Blog at least 3 times a week - I love this little blog of mine. I may not have many follows and I am still growing in this area but I do enjoy this little outlet I have. I hate trying to catch up with only one post a week.
3. Spring clean -Yeah, said this last month and it also didn't happen... other than the closets. I do need to complete the entire house.
4. Make 3 'Whole 30' recipes a week - I brought up the idea to Tate to do the Whole 30 and the look he gave me was enough of an answer. That being said, I am going to try to do at least 3 Whole 30 type meals a week. He may not be able to do it all day but he's sure going to do it for some dinners.
5. Pick out paint - We decided to hire a painter to paint each room in our house (that we haven't already finished) just to get it all done. That leaves me with 7 rooms to pick out paint for. Most will probably be white but we can't even agree on a white. Ha! This has to be done this month!
I'm going to keep the following going each month:
1. Lose 2-3 lbs per month
2. Read 2-3 books per month
3. Daily devotions
4. Workout every day
Now, since this months list was kinda short I decided to add a few things that I would like to do but if they don't get done, I'll be just fine.
Take Brylee to her first professional baseball game.
Remember birthdays - I've been so bad at this lately!
Finish plans for living room.
Landscaping/plant a garden.
Pick out classes for summer.
Go to the Zoo.
So, there's what I hope to get done in April! I can do this! What do your April goals/to-do's look like?
Linking up with Annie for Thoughts for Thursday!
Remember birthdays - I've been so bad at this lately!
Finish plans for living room.
Landscaping/plant a garden.
Pick out classes for summer.
Go to the Zoo.
So, there's what I hope to get done in April! I can do this! What do your April goals/to-do's look like?
Linking up with Annie for Thoughts for Thursday!
Good luck!! I need to go through my downstairs closets and clean them out! I did clean out our closest in our room at least last month!