Happy Tuesday! I totally didn't mean to get away from the blog for that little bit but I got caught up in a book and any free time I had went to finishing it. It was The Husbands Secret by Liane Moriarty and friends, I loved it! I'm waiting to recap my books when I have more than two to share but so far they've both been great!

Now, on to Show and Tell Tuesdays. Twice a month Andrea hosts this link up and today's topic is all things Pinterest! I remember when I first heard of Pinterest. I was sitting at my cousin's house (hi Amber!) and she was telling me about this really cool app her sister-in-law showed her. While she was describing it to me I wasn't really interested but when I got the app for myself it became a love/hate addiction! I can spend hours on Pinterest if I'm not watching it. Hours!
I have had quite a few Pin-fails, like making cookie bowls by turning a cupcake pan upside down. Yeah, no! We just had one big lumpy cookie. Or maybe that time pinterest told me I could curl my hair by wrapping it and letting it dry in a headband. Yeah the curls would have been perfect if I was trying to achieve the look of a poodle. Tate has heard this a time or two...
But then, Pinterest has been really good to me. Completing a pin feels so good, right?

Like in Brylee's bedroom. When we moved to McAllen I started a board of things I wanted to do for her big girl room. I love how her room is turning out.
We did a few pins from that already. Like this dress-up wardrobe that my mom made. Isn't it fantastic?!

And this B. I saw multiple ones I liked and combined them to make my own.
Where would we be fashion wise without pinterest? Thanks to crazy Texas weather I'm starting to look at my Spring/Summer board but I'm keeping my Fall/Winter board close by!
Follow Leah's board Closet- Spring/Summer Fashion on Pinterest.
I've completed birthday parties with the help of Pinterest. I talked about Brylee's Gingerbread house party here and I'm currently helping my sister plan my nephew's 3rd birthday - I Dig Being 3! How cute is that?
Follow Leah's board Parties/Events on Pinterest.
I've always loved cooking but Pinterest has taken that to a whole new level! I have a ton of food boards. Here are some of my favorites:
Remember how I said I made a board for Brylee's bedroom when we moved, I also did the same for every room in the house. Currently we are working on our living room so I'm always on that board. I cannot wait for it to be complete.
Follow Leah's board New House- Living Room on Pinterest.
Or how about that time Tate left gum in his game day pants pocket and they got washed THE DAY BEFORE A GAME?? I took to pinterest and in my lovely "Good To Know" board I happened to have a solution to our sticky situation. Boil vinegar and scrub the effected area. You're welcome.
Follow Leah's board Good To Know on Pinterest.
Those are just a few of my favorite things about pinterest. With the upcoming spring holidays you can start finding more pins for St Paddy's day, Easter, Spring fashion and spring food. Like I said, we are doing some home improvement stuff too so you'll see some of that as well. One of my next projects is to paint Brylee's bedroom furniture. Eeek!
This was fun!
Okay, I'm good now. :) I think I'll go pin some more fun things.
Check out my other Show and Tell Tuesday posts:
Reintroductions and Resolutions

Now, on to Show and Tell Tuesdays. Twice a month Andrea hosts this link up and today's topic is all things Pinterest! I remember when I first heard of Pinterest. I was sitting at my cousin's house (hi Amber!) and she was telling me about this really cool app her sister-in-law showed her. While she was describing it to me I wasn't really interested but when I got the app for myself it became a love/hate addiction! I can spend hours on Pinterest if I'm not watching it. Hours!
I have had quite a few Pin-fails, like making cookie bowls by turning a cupcake pan upside down. Yeah, no! We just had one big lumpy cookie. Or maybe that time pinterest told me I could curl my hair by wrapping it and letting it dry in a headband. Yeah the curls would have been perfect if I was trying to achieve the look of a poodle. Tate has heard this a time or two...
But then, Pinterest has been really good to me. Completing a pin feels so good, right?

Like in Brylee's bedroom. When we moved to McAllen I started a board of things I wanted to do for her big girl room. I love how her room is turning out.
We did a few pins from that already. Like this dress-up wardrobe that my mom made. Isn't it fantastic?!
And this B. I saw multiple ones I liked and combined them to make my own.
Where would we be fashion wise without pinterest? Thanks to crazy Texas weather I'm starting to look at my Spring/Summer board but I'm keeping my Fall/Winter board close by!
Follow Leah's board Closet- Spring/Summer Fashion on Pinterest.
I've completed birthday parties with the help of Pinterest. I talked about Brylee's Gingerbread house party here and I'm currently helping my sister plan my nephew's 3rd birthday - I Dig Being 3! How cute is that?
Follow Leah's board Parties/Events on Pinterest.
I've always loved cooking but Pinterest has taken that to a whole new level! I have a ton of food boards. Here are some of my favorites:
Remember how I said I made a board for Brylee's bedroom when we moved, I also did the same for every room in the house. Currently we are working on our living room so I'm always on that board. I cannot wait for it to be complete.
Follow Leah's board New House- Living Room on Pinterest.
Or how about that time Tate left gum in his game day pants pocket and they got washed THE DAY BEFORE A GAME?? I took to pinterest and in my lovely "Good To Know" board I happened to have a solution to our sticky situation. Boil vinegar and scrub the effected area. You're welcome.
Follow Leah's board Good To Know on Pinterest.
Those are just a few of my favorite things about pinterest. With the upcoming spring holidays you can start finding more pins for St Paddy's day, Easter, Spring fashion and spring food. Like I said, we are doing some home improvement stuff too so you'll see some of that as well. One of my next projects is to paint Brylee's bedroom furniture. Eeek!
This was fun!
Okay, I'm good now. :) I think I'll go pin some more fun things.
Check out my other Show and Tell Tuesday posts:
Reintroductions and Resolutions
All of your food boards made me hungry!!! I love Pinterest too, but sometimes I think I create a DIY project and then it fails completely. Sometimes I amaze myself though. Haha.